A Crash Course for Creatives

A Crash Course for Creatives

Content Crisis
My Story
Course Details
Choices, choices
Dare to Ditch the Drudgery!
Welcome to a Different Approach to A.I. – Forget the Formulaic, Yawn-Inducing, Overwhelm.
Tell Me If This Rings a Bell...
We’re living in a content-saturated world. Everywhere you turn, there's a new content strategy required for
your business.

Everyone keeps telling you to start, or follow, yet another blog, vlog, podcast, or post. 
Your maintenance, your growth, and your clients are all demanding attention.

You know content and visibility are the key to survival, but how the heck are you supposed to keep up?
Maybe you've even tried getting into A.I. in the past, but stopped before you got started.
You probably bought some discount pack of prompts that were supposed to help you take over the world, but you just ended up bored and confused.

Sometimes entrepreneurship feels like a never-ending circus, and you're the main juggler – spinning business and home life, all while trying to keep the content balls up in the air.
Sound familiar?
Post pandemic, the financial pressure is ON!

Most families need an increase in income just to maintain their quality of life.
Many women are just recovering from trying to work AND balance kids at home for the last couple of years.
Even though the economy is changing at lightning speed, the grueling realities of motherhood are not.
There's only so much of you to go around, and you're feeling like you have to choose between the passion you feel for your business and the love you feel for your family.

…and that sucks.
If you sprinkle in a dash of neurodiversity, and it gets even more complicated...
Chances are your fast-paced life is nothing compared to how fast your mind is moving, as you try to figure out how to make the money your family needs to stay afloat.
I understand the joys of the hyper-creative brain. It’s like a fireworks display, bursting with ideas, lighting up one project after another. And just when you start to make progress, another shiny concept explodes in your mind.

Exciting? Sure. But it also means your desktop is a graveyard of half-completed projects.
If it takes 4-8 weeks to launch a project, but you're ready to go NOW, what's a creative powerhouse to do??
Mama, don’t beat yourself up about it.
We need inspiration, rest, and connection to fuel our creativity, but sometimes, it feels like the online business world doesn’t get the memo.
You're not a machine.

Ever feel like you're wrestling a whirlwind? It's the overwhelm, the tech FOMO, the constant tug of war between business growth and personal time. It’s enough to make you want to throw in the towel.
What if I told you it doesn't have to be this way? 
Your incredible ideas don't have to wither on the vine. You don't have to sacrifice precious moments with family to keep your business moving. And you certainly don’t have to watch from the sidelines as all your competitors get cozy with AI.

You can conceive and create in half the time it used to take, IF you have the right tools and processes in place.

Darling, you've got the power to change the game. The solution?
AI. It’s not just the secret weapon of tech giants, it’s for you, me, and every passionate entrepreneur ready to make their mark.

…and that, my friend, is what this course is here to show you.
My Story
Once upon a time, in a home office not too far away, I found myself trapped in a pit of creative despair, juggling my oh-so-gorgeous toddler, my flourishing business, and an Everest of content requirements.

Who said running a business was just rainbow unicorns and cash showers? Uh-uh, darling! It's more like a 3D chess game with a ticking time bomb.
Enter stage left: my post-baby brain, a tumultuous medley of untamed ideas, wild creativity, and the attention span of a goldfish. I was in love with our baby girl, but I also missed the catharsis of creativity and working in my business. 
The struggle was real, and the creative frustration was utterly exhausting.
…but I didn’t throw in the towel…
Nope, I laced up my high-heeled boots, dusted off my techie cape, and dove headfirst into the exciting world of A.I. - a world that’s less sci-fi movie madness and more efficient assistant at your fingertips.

It was like finding a magical portal to a place where neuro-diversity isn’t an obstacle, but an asset.
With its cool, logical approach, it became my trusted ally, enabling my hyper-productive self to dive into executing exciting plans before the thrill wore off, and empowering me to explore and implement my boundless creative ideas.
The result? More freedom, more efficiency, and way less exhaustion. My team was happier, my clients were happier, and heck, I was happier. 
Content Crisis
My Story
Course Details
Choices, choices
Dare to Ditch the Drudgery!
Welcome to a Different Approach to A.I. – Forget the Formulaic, Yawn-Inducing, Overwhelm.
Tell Me If This Rings a Bell...
We’re living in a content-saturated world. Everywhere you turn, there's a new content strategy required for
your business.

Everyone keeps telling you to start, or follow, yet another blog, vlog, podcast, or post. 
Your maintenance, your growth, and your clients are all demanding attention.

You know content and visibility are the key to survival, but how the heck are you supposed to keep up?
Maybe you've even tried getting into A.I. in the past, but stopped before you got started.
You probably bought some discount pack of prompts that were supposed to help you take over the world, but you just ended up bored and confused.

Sometimes entrepreneurship feels like a never-ending circus, and you're the main juggler – spinning business and home life, all while trying to keep the content balls up in the air.
Sound familiar?
Post pandemic, the financial pressure is ON!

Most families need an increase in income just to maintain their quality of life.
Many women are just recovering from trying to work AND balance kids at home for the last couple of years.
Even though the economy is changing at lightning speed, the grueling realities of motherhood are not.
There's only so much of you to go around, and you're feeling like you have to choose between the passion you feel for your business and the love you feel for your family.

…and that sucks.
If you sprinkle in a dash of neurodiversity, and it gets even more complicated...
Chances are your fast-paced life is nothing compared to how fast your mind is moving, as you try to figure out how to make the money your family needs to stay afloat.
I understand the joys of the hyper-creative brain. It’s like a fireworks display, bursting with ideas, lighting up one project after another. And just when you start to make progress, another shiny concept explodes in your mind.

Exciting? Sure. But it also means your desktop is a graveyard of half-completed projects.
If it takes 4-8 weeks to launch a project, but you're ready to go NOW, what's a creative powerhouse to do??
Mama, don’t beat yourself up about it.
We need inspiration, rest, and connection to fuel our creativity, but sometimes, it feels like the online business world doesn’t get the memo.
You're not a machine.

Ever feel like you're wrestling a whirlwind? It's the overwhelm, the tech FOMO, the constant tug of war between business growth and personal time. It’s enough to make you want to throw in the towel.
What if I told you it doesn't have to be this way? 
Your incredible ideas don't have to wither on the vine. You don't have to sacrifice precious moments with family to keep your business moving. And you certainly don’t have to watch from the sidelines as all your competitors get cozy with AI.

You can conceive and create in half the time it used to take, IF you have the right tools and processes in place.

Darling, you've got the power to change the game. The solution?
AI. It’s not just the secret weapon of tech giants, it’s for you, me, and every passionate entrepreneur ready to make their mark.

…and that, my friend, is what this course is here to show you.
My Story
Once upon a time, in a home office not too far away, I found myself trapped in a pit of creative despair, juggling my oh-so-gorgeous toddler, my flourishing business, and an Everest of content requirements.

Who said running a business was just rainbow unicorns and cash showers? Uh-uh, darling! It's more like a 3D chess game with a ticking time bomb.
Enter stage left: my post-baby brain, a tumultuous medley of untamed ideas, wild creativity, and the attention span of a goldfish. I was in love with our baby girl, but I also missed the catharsis of creativity and working in my business. 
The struggle was real, and the creative frustration was utterly exhausting.
…but I didn’t throw in the towel…
Nope, I laced up my high-heeled boots, dusted off my techie cape, and dove headfirst into the exciting world of A.I. - a world that’s less sci-fi movie madness and more efficient assistant at your fingertips.

It was like finding a magical portal to a place where neuro-diversity isn’t an obstacle, but an asset.
With its cool, logical approach, it became my trusted ally, enabling my hyper-productive self to dive into executing exciting plans before the thrill wore off, and empowering me to explore and implement my boundless creative ideas.
The result? More freedom, more efficiency, and way less exhaustion. My team was happier, my clients were happier, and heck, I was happier. 
Course Details

A.I. Assistant Module

OK, techie newcomer! Ready to give artificial intelligence (AI) a spin?

Let's get into it!

This first part of our course is like the welcome mat to your new AI-powered world.

Our course is neatly divided into three sections – AI Assistant, AI Ally, and AI Artisan.

Each offers deep-dive insights into different ways of integrating AI into your business and creative life.

We're gonna be:
• Introducing you to the magic of language learning models, or as I call them, AI Assistants
• Creating context for the tasks you need a helping hand with. AI isn't mind-reading, but with the right guidance, it's the next best thing.
• Taking AI from nameless, faceless code to an integrated member of your creative team , by generating roles and providing examples.
• Helping you whisper sweet nothings (or style prompts, as the techies say) to your AI assistant.
• Fact-checking and iterating together, because no relationship is perfect, right?
• Enjoying the refreshingly unbiased opinion from your new AI assistant.
• Giving you some real-life examples of how AI assistants can give your business a boost.
Ally Module Overview
We're gonna be:
• Diving into the more complex content tasks that you hold near and dear to your heart.
• Helping you master the art of creating swanky marketing materials for your launch or program with your AI ally.
• Structuring your thoughts and ideas in a way that’ll get you useful outputs from a language learning model. No more lost-in-translation moments!
• Highlighting the golden rule of A.I.
• Making you super comfy with language learning models. 
Artisan Module Overview
This is where we leave the wading pool and dive headfirst into the deep end. We're going Artisan, baby!
We're gonna be:
• Introducing you to the wonderful world of visual and image-generating models. Prepare to be wowed!
• Teaching you how to put those language skills to use to generate images. Yep, words can create pictures. Mind-blowing, huh?
• Exploring photography terminology, movements, styles, lighting, colors, angles, and everything else that can bring your AI-generated images to life.
• Making the image generation process a fun, easy, and non-formulaic experience.
• Exploring the different image generating platforms and what makes each of them special.
And guess what? This ain't all work and no play. There’s a heck load of joy and creativity unlocked by AI in your business that we'll be sharing too. Excited yet? You should be!
We're gonna be:
• Introducing you to the magic of language learning models, or as I call them, AI Assistants
• Creating context for the tasks you need a helping hand with. AI isn't mind-reading, but with the right guidance, it's the next best thing.
• Taking AI from nameless, faceless code to an integrated member of your creative team , by generating roles and providing examples.
• Helping you whisper sweet nothings (or style prompts, as the techies say) to your AI assistant.
• Fact-checking and iterating together, because no relationship is perfect, right?
• Enjoying the refreshingly unbiased opinion from your new AI assistant.
• Giving you some real-life examples of how AI assistants can give your business a boost.
Ally Module Overview
We're gonna be:
• Diving into the more complex content tasks that you hold near and dear to your heart.
• Helping you master the art of creating swanky marketing materials for your launch or program with your AI ally.
• Structuring your thoughts and ideas in a way that’ll get you useful outputs from a language learning model. No more lost-in-translation moments!
• Highlighting the golden rule of A.I.
• Making you super comfy with language learning models. 
Artisan Module Overview
This is where we leave the wading pool and dive headfirst into the deep end. We're going Artisan, baby!
We're gonna be:
• Introducing you to the wonderful world of visual and image-generating models. Prepare to be wowed!
• Teaching you how to put those language skills to use to generate images. Yep, words can create pictures. Mind-blowing, huh?
• Exploring photography terminology, movements, styles, lighting, colors, angles, and everything else that can bring your AI-generated images to life.
• Making the image generation process a fun, easy, and non-formulaic experience.
• Exploring the different image generating platforms and what makes each of them special.
And guess what? This ain't all work and no play. There’s a heck load of joy and creativity unlocked by AI in your business that we'll be sharing too. Excited yet? You should be!
Time to take action!
I invite you to join me in the Brave New World of A.I. 
We have a chance to shape this new age by blending the power of technology with human wisdom.
A.I. isn't here to replace us, but to amplify our voices and free up our time to focus on what matters.

Don't be a bystander in online business. You CAN upgrade your content creation with this course, once you have the right process.
Together, we can embrace the tools of AI to spread our wisdom wider and further, and take back our time.

Join me on this journey of discovery and artistic empowerment and let's step into a future filled with possibilities.
Time to take action!
I invite you to join me in the Brave New World of A.I. 
We have a chance to shape this new age by blending the power of technology with human wisdom.
A.I. isn't here to replace us, but to amplify our voices and free up our time to focus on what matters.

Don't be a bystander in online business. You CAN upgrade your content creation with this course, once you have the right process.
Together, we can embrace the tools of AI to spread our wisdom wider and further, and take back our time.

Join me on this journey of discovery and artistic empowerment and let's step into a future filled with possibilities.
With this A.I. journey, you'll have more goodies than a candy store!
I'm bringing the party to you with the Quality Content Crash Course.
It's your ultimate guide to creating high-quality content without going crazy.
Let's unbox what's inside:
• Short form versus long form 
• Why Bother with Content?
• Content Marketing Stages
• Intentional Content Creation
• How to plan content and repurpose old pieces to avoid burnout
• Building a Content Creation Habit:
• The Easiest Content Calendar
• And as a cherry on top, I'm also giving you another 12 months of content ideas, so you never have to stare at a blank page in despair again.
• Now, isn't that just the sweetest deal you've seen today?
We stand at the precipice of a new era, a fusion of tech and artistry that I like to call the A.I. Renaissance. 
Just like any renaissance, this one is destined to change the world as we know it.

Unfortunately, with every age, some of our sacred knowledge risks being lost, hidden behind the veil of technology's relentless march forward.
Let's face it, A.I. can seem scarier than a midnight showing of a horror flick. But if we, the transformational practitioners, the torchbearers of wisdom, don't step up and adapt, our invaluable insights might fade into the ether, becoming echoes of a bygone era.

Sound dramatic? Good! Because it is.
We have a chance to shape this new age, to blend the power of technology with the depth of human wisdom. 
A.I. isn't here to replace us or diminish our humanity. Quite the opposite.
Technology is here to amplify our voices, to broaden our creative horizons, to free up our time so we can focus on what truly matters. It's a tool and the reality we create will depend on how we utilize it.
Every day, hundreds of thousands of dollars are being made using A.I.
It's changing lives and revolutionizing industries. Don't be a bored bystander, standing on the sidelines of this evolution. 
It's Critical for Knowledge Holders to Understand Creating with A.I.
Picture this: you, a knowledge holder, the keeper of wisdom, the seeker of sacred truths. You hold the key to transforming lives with your work. 
Unfortunately, if you can't be found all that precious wisdom could be lost in the digital wilderness.

So let's not do that. Embracing A.I. is not just about tech. It's about safeguarding your wisdom and reaching more souls who crave it. It's about ensuring your message isn't drowned out in the online cacophony. 
This isn't a sci-fi movie. This is our reality. And it's happening now.
With this A.I. journey, you'll have more goodies than a candy store!
I'm bringing the party to you with the Quality Content Crash Course.
It's your ultimate guide to creating high-quality content without going crazy.
Let's unbox what's inside:
• Short form versus long form 
• Why Bother with Content?
• Content Marketing Stages
• Intentional Content Creation
• How to plan content and repurpose old pieces to avoid burnout
• Building a Content Creation Habit:
• The Easiest Content Calendar
• And as a cherry on top, I'm also giving you another 12 months of content ideas, so you never have to stare at a blank page in despair again.
• Now, isn't that just the sweetest deal you've seen today?
We stand at the precipice of a new era, a fusion of tech and artistry that I like to call the A.I. Renaissance. 
Just like any renaissance, this one is destined to change the world as we know it.

Unfortunately, with every age, some of our sacred knowledge risks being lost, hidden behind the veil of technology's relentless march forward.
Let's face it, A.I. can seem scarier than a midnight showing of a horror flick. But if we, the transformational practitioners, the torchbearers of wisdom, don't step up and adapt, our invaluable insights might fade into the ether, becoming echoes of a bygone era.

Sound dramatic? Good! Because it is.
We have a chance to shape this new age, to blend the power of technology with the depth of human wisdom. 
A.I. isn't here to replace us or diminish our humanity. Quite the opposite.
Technology is here to amplify our voices, to broaden our creative horizons, to free up our time so we can focus on what truly matters. It's a tool and the reality we create will depend on how we utilize it.
Every day, hundreds of thousands of dollars are being made using A.I.
It's changing lives and revolutionizing industries. Don't be a bored bystander, standing on the sidelines of this evolution. 
It's Critical for Knowledge Holders to Understand Creating with A.I.
Picture this: you, a knowledge holder, the keeper of wisdom, the seeker of sacred truths. You hold the key to transforming lives with your work. 
Unfortunately, if you can't be found all that precious wisdom could be lost in the digital wilderness.

So let's not do that. Embracing A.I. is not just about tech. It's about safeguarding your wisdom and reaching more souls who crave it. It's about ensuring your message isn't drowned out in the online cacophony. 
This isn't a sci-fi movie. This is our reality. And it's happening now.

Time to Take Action

So, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation from the A.I. overlord? This is it, bb.

 It's time to roll up your sleeves, embrace the future, and infuse some much-needed logic and efficiency into your creative process.

I’m offering this course for an incredibly low price for the early birds, then it jumps to when we re-launch in the fall.


Who is this course for?

This course is designed for busy entrepreneurs, creatives, and knowledge holders who are looking to embrace AI to boost their productivity, content creation, and maintain a work-life balance. Whether you’re a multi-tasking mom or a passionate professional, if you’re keen on harnessing the power of AI to enhance your creative endeavors, this course is for you! YOU CAN ALSO ENROLL YOUR VA, if you're busy,

I’m not a techie. Can I still benefit from this course?

Absolutely! This course is created with the non-techie in mind. The content is designed to be easily digestible and practical, so you don’t need to have a background in technology to reap the benefits of AI. If you can use a smartphone, and laptop you have all the skills you need to get started!

What kind of AI will this course cover?

Intuitive A.I. focuses on common considerations for maximizing language learning models and image-generating models. You’ll learn how to use AI as an assistant, ally, and artisan in your creative processes, generating written content, marketing materials, and visual assets.

Will AI replace my creativity?

Not at all! AI is here to augment your creativity, not replace it. The course will show you how to use AI as a tool to execute your ideas more efficiently and give you more time to focus on the truly creative aspects of your work.

How much time do I need to dedicate to this course?

The course is designed to be flexible and accommodate the hectic schedules of participants. With bite-sized modules and engaging content, you can go at your own pace. The key is consistency and application, so even if you can dedicate just a few hours a week, you’ll see progress.

Do I need to buy any software or tools to take part in this course?

The course will introduce you to various AI platforms and tools, some of which may have associated costs. However, there may also be options that are free or offer trial periods. The course aims to be inclusive, catering to different budgets.

Is there any support if I have questions or need help during the course?

Yes! We believe in supporting our participants throughout their learning journey. You’ll have access to a community forum to help you with any questions or challenges you may face.

Can I get a refund if the course isn’t right for me?

We want you to be satisfied with your investment. If you find that the course isn’t meeting your expectations, please get in touch within 48 hours of purchase, and we’ll be happy to discuss refund options.

What kind of results can I expect from completing this course?

Upon completion of Intuitive A.I., you can expect to have a solid understanding of how to integrate AI into your creative and business processes. This will empower you to produce content more efficiently, improve your productivity, and create a balance that allows you to spend quality time with your loved ones without compromising your business goals.

What exactly will I be learning in the Intuitive A.I. course?

Great question! Intuitive A.I. is designed to help you unleash the power of artificial intelligence in your content creation and business processes. The course is divided into three core modules: AI Assistant, AI Ally, and AI Artisan.

You’ll learn how to:

• Integrate AI as a virtual assistant to take care of tasks you need help with
• Enhance complex content creation and marketing materials using AI
• Harness AI to generate stunning visuals and images
• Understand more artistic terminology and how to implement it into AI-generated content
• Make the most out of AI technology while keeping your unique voice and creativity
• Be familiar with a few popular A.I. creative platforms and core concepts needed to navigate them

By the end of this course, you'll be well-equipped to skyrocket your productivity and bring your creative visions to life with the help of AI.

Can't I Just scour the Internet for All This Info?

You could, but it’s like finding a needle in a haystack, and who knows if that needle is even sharp? Our course is a treasure chest of up-to-date, expertly curated A.I. knowledge – no sifting through hay required!

But Isn't Online Info Free and Plentiful?

It is, but with a side of chaos. Ads, outdated info, and endless scrolling are a recipe for a headache. We've spent months going down creative rabbit holes so you don't have to. Our course is your zen garden of learning – organized, current, and without ads or distractions. 

You can do this…

The course officially begins on March 2024

So if you're an eager beaver, you'll get to start with the BONUS materials early.

Over the course of the beta, we'll be adding resources and information based on what's needed.

This is an introductory course, so it's possible that advanced skills may be offered in the future.

I'm excited to grow with you.

Time to Take Action

So, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation from the A.I. overlord? This is it, bb.

 It's time to roll up your sleeves, embrace the future, and infuse some much-needed logic and efficiency into your creative process.

I’m offering this course for an incredibly low price for the early birds, then it jumps to when we re-launch in the fall.



Who is this course for?

This course is designed for busy entrepreneurs, creatives, and knowledge holders who are looking to embrace AI to boost their productivity, content creation, and maintain a work-life balance. Whether you’re a multi-tasking mom or a passionate professional, if you’re keen on harnessing the power of AI to enhance your creative endeavors, this course is for you! YOU CAN ALSO ENROLL YOUR VA, if you're busy,

I’m not a techie. Can I still benefit from this course?

Absolutely! This course is created with the non-techie in mind. The content is designed to be easily digestible and practical, so you don’t need to have a background in technology to reap the benefits of AI. If you can use a smartphone, and laptop you have all the skills you need to get started!

What kind of AI will this course cover?

Intuitive A.I. focuses on common considerations for maximizing language learning models and image-generating models. You’ll learn how to use AI as an assistant, ally, and artisan in your creative processes, generating written content, marketing materials, and visual assets.

Will AI replace my creativity?

Not at all! AI is here to augment your creativity, not replace it. The course will show you how to use AI as a tool to execute your ideas more efficiently and give you more time to focus on the truly creative aspects of your work.

How much time do I need to dedicate to this course?

The course is designed to be flexible and accommodate the hectic schedules of participants. With bite-sized modules and engaging content, you can go at your own pace. The key is consistency and application, so even if you can dedicate just a few hours a week, you’ll see progress.

Do I need to buy any software or tools to take part in this course?

The course will introduce you to various AI platforms and tools, some of which may have associated costs. However, there may also be options that are free or offer trial periods. The course aims to be inclusive, catering to different budgets.

Is there any support if I have questions or need help during the course?

Yes! We believe in supporting our participants throughout their learning journey. You’ll have access to a community forum to help you with any questions or challenges you may face.

Can I get a refund if the course isn’t right for me?

We want you to be satisfied with your investment. If you find that the course isn’t meeting your expectations, please get in touch within 48 hours of purchase, and we’ll be happy to discuss refund options.

What kind of results can I expect from completing this course?

Upon completion of Intuitive A.I., you can expect to have a solid understanding of how to integrate AI into your creative and business processes. This will empower you to produce content more efficiently, improve your productivity, and create a balance that allows you to spend quality time with your loved ones without compromising your business goals.

What exactly will I be learning in the Intuitive A.I. course?

Great question! Intuitive A.I. is designed to help you unleash the power of artificial intelligence in your content creation and business processes. The course is divided into three core modules: AI Assistant, AI Ally, and AI Artisan.

You’ll learn how to:

• Integrate AI as a virtual assistant to take care of tasks you need help with
• Enhance complex content creation and marketing materials using AI
• Harness AI to generate stunning visuals and images
• Understand more artistic terminology and how to implement it into AI-generated content
• Make the most out of AI technology while keeping your unique voice and creativity
• Be familiar with a few popular A.I. creative platforms and core concepts needed to navigate them

By the end of this course, you'll be well-equipped to skyrocket your productivity and bring your creative visions to life with the help of AI.

Can't I Just scour the Internet for All This Info?

You could, but it’s like finding a needle in a haystack, and who knows if that needle is even sharp? Our course is a treasure chest of up-to-date, expertly curated A.I. knowledge – no sifting through hay required!

But Isn't Online Info Free and Plentiful?

It is, but with a side of chaos. Ads, outdated info, and endless scrolling are a recipe for a headache. We've spent months going down creative rabbit holes so you don't have to. Our course is your zen garden of learning – organized, current, and without ads or distractions. 

You can do this…

The course officially begins on March 2024

So if you're an eager beaver, you'll get to start with the BONUS materials early.

Over the course of the beta, we'll be adding resources and information based on what's needed.

This is an introductory course, so it's possible that advanced skills may be offered in the future.

I'm excited to grow with you.
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DISCLAIMER: Results shown on this page may vary. It takes real dedication to get results like this. We don't believe in get rich quick schemes or overnight success. You acknowledge that we have not and do not make any representations as to the health physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or health benefits, future income, expenses, sales volume or potential profitability or loss of any kind that may be derived as a result of your participation in this Program, Product, Services or Program Materials. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, positive or negative, financial or otherwise, through the use of our Programs, Products, Services and Program Materials and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. We also expressly disclaim responsibility in any way for the choices, actions, results, use, misuse or non-use of the information provided or obtained through any of our Programs, Products, Services or Program Materials. You agree that your results are strictly your own and we are not liable or responsible in any way for your results.